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Elevator Load Test

  • Maximum 3000-pound capacity
  • Call the office for larger-capacity elevators
  • Generous discounts for multiple elevators
  • 5-year load testing on elevator equipment as required by the State of California
  • Flexible scheduling: We can schedule tests during non-peak elevator times during regular business hours at No Extra Charge
  • We are performing the exact same test your service company would perform
  • Guaranteed to be an accurate, non-biased test
L.A. Elevator
L.A. Elevator

Professional Safety Checks

Required - State of California.

  • 5-year load testing on elevator equipment is required by the State of California
  • This test does not put any additional stress on the elevator other than what the elevator is rated by the state of California to handle
  • If your elevator is being monitored and maintained properly, it should pass the required testing
  • This is not a guarantee of passing the required 5-year certification testing
  • This is a guarantee of an accurate, non-biased test
  • We encourage you to witness the testing
  • Additional repairs may be necessary. If the elevator(s) do not pass and require re-testing, additional testing fees will apply

What is the Elevator Load Test and Why is It Important?

An elevator load test aims to determine that the mechanical equipment can lift and move its maximum load at its maximum speed without compromising on the safety of people in it. Different countries can have different parameters of analyzing the load test run on elevators, however, the objective remains the same.

L.A. Elevator
L.A. Elevator

Repacking Elevator Hydraulic Jacks

PRICE: Call for Quick Quote

This includes / excludes

  • Repacking hydraulic jack assembly with standard packing types and sizes.
  • Some hydraulic jack assemblies require special non-stocked packing; additional charges might apply
  • Excludes additional factors beyond normal wear and tear and beyond our control that may be responsible for causing hydraulic jack assemblies to leak.